Friday, September 12, 2008

Another entry puzzle

This hand from Positive Declarer Play by Reese and Pottage caught my eye. Like the last post, the key lies in finding a second entry to dummy, but thats where the similarity stops.

West opens 2H and you end up in 6S. The D6 is led. Plan your play.

Given the 2H opening, the D6 looks very suspiciously like a singleton. Not that ducking the lead would help you. It looks like your best bet is to pitch all your diamond losers on the hearts, conceding only the heart ace. Problem is, there is only one entry to dummy: the CQ. How to work around this pesky stumbling block?

I bet you were thinking, if only I could switch the CQ with one of the other club honours, then I can finesse the ten for an extra entry; if the diamond is indeed a singleton lead, it is probable that west has the CJ. But alas, the club is a queen.

Keep thinking on those lines. You're very close to the solution.

Have you got it yet? Win the DA, draw trumps, cash a high club and finesse the club ten. Now play a high heart jetissoning the remaining club honour. That leaves two top hearts and one top club in dummy for the diamond pitches. When west wins his heart ace, he has to return a heart or a club to dummy, providing you with that elusive entry!



GRS86 said...

Nice one! Good crackable one for a change :) No special squeezes :)

Kedar said...

Nice... Although, I still have to learn that dropping an honor is sometimes the most honorable thing to do...

(Sorry.. Having a bad pun day..)