Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bidding Toughie

You're sitting fourth-seat, playing matchpoints, with ♠ KQ92  A2  KQJ92 ♣ 32, neither side vulnerable. Dealer opens with 3♣, which is passed around to you. What do you bid?

If you're thinking double, forget it. You don't have four hearts. That leaves pass, 3 , and 3NT. What are the pros and cons of each bid?


Prajwal said...

I dont think 3NT is good without any stopper in Club suit. That leaves u with 3D and dbl.
The problem with 3D is that u can miss the Spade fit when pd has 8 HCP and 4 0r 5 Spades. Even with 5 Spades (bad suit quality : Axxxx)and 9 HCP, he will pass because ur 3D came in a balancing position.
I think i will double as it has many advantages:
1) Your partner might have a trap pass in which case he will be happy to play in 3Cx.
2) You can find the Spade fit.
3) Partner might bid 4C asking u to pick a major in which case you will bid 4S.
4) Your only fear is the Heart suit.
If partner has 8 HCP and 4 Hearts, he wont jump to 4H over ur balancing double. He will simply bid 3H and u can afford to play in 4-2 fit at 3 level( u have a good support for !H suit).
If partner has 10 or more HCP and 5 carder Heart suit, then his jump to 4H is not disastrous considering your Ace doubleton support and 5-2 fit.

* Only case where it is dangerous is when partner has 4 carder Heart and 10+ HCP without 4 Spades. In that case partner is likely to have Clubs as well and he might pass ur dbl for penalty.
So it's better to dbl with this hand.

JP said...

The perfect hand for why you should play equal level correction! The X typically promises at least 3 cards in the other suits. But, if you and your partner agree to play equal level correction, then an auction that goes 3C-p-p-X-p-3H-p-3S does not promise a big hand, but shows a hand such as the one above... partner, I do not have hearts, but I have 4 spades (and by implication diamonds). Its non-forcing constructive, and its very likely that you'll find at least a 4-3 fit. If partner bids 4H opposite your X, then more often than not he'll hold 5 cards and you should be happy to play in your 5-2 fit.

Prashanth said...

I too was just about to say Equal Level Conversion.. recommend using it with all 4+ loser two suited hands against weak twos and preempts. (less than 4 losers use leaping michaels)