Monday, August 18, 2008

Prajwal's Flamboyance?

Prajwal bid to a grand slam in clubs after Vinoth (his partner) had shown a balanced hand in the range 22–23 HCP, holding ♠ xxx  xx  Ax ♣ Axxxxx. At the table, the consensus seemed to be that it was an overbid. But was it?

The auction had revealed that all keycards and the ♣ Q were there (which gives Vinoth ♠ A,  A, and ♣ KQ). Vinoth had also denied the K. Question: Knowing just this much, with no possibility of knowing anything else, is 7 ♣ the right bid for responder?

I ran a simulation with 500 hands (where Vinoth, in addition to the conditions mentioned here, is forced to hold at least 7 controls, which is the average for a 20-point balanced hand). The frequency table for tricks was: 13 - 56.4 %, 12 - 39.8 %, 11 - 3.4 %, 10 - 0.4 %.

You need slightly more than 60 % chances to bid the grand. That suggests that it was an overbid, but close enough. Remembering that this is double-dummy analysis, perhaps one can make the case that, at single-dummy play, it is in fact the right bid?

And just in case you're wondering what happens if Vinoth is the type of guy not to care whether he has 7 controls, the simulation with 6+ controls reduces the chances only slightly.


Prajwal said...

In addition to the keycards u mentioned, Spade King was also known from bidding.
So please include Spade King in simulation and check whether it increases chances anymore?

Ashok said...

If the spade king is included, the table becomes: 13 - 59.2 %, 12 - 36.8 %, 11 - 3.8 %, 10 - 0.2 %. I just discovered that the odds needed to bid grand when the other table is surely bidding at least small is about 55 % at either vulnerability. So with this hand, bidding the grand slam is a slight favourite.

Ashok said...

Actually, the 7-controls condition implies the spade king. So the increased figure was just random variation. With 3000 hands: 13 - 57.3 %, 12 - 37.3 %, 11 - 5.1 %, 10 - 0.3 %, 9 - 0.0 %.