Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Co-operative coup

Remun is one of the fairly regular Chennai bridgers who's family has been playing bridge for 3 generations. He is known for the 4 card major system that he favors. Like other gold age bidders, Remun is not fond of using too many conventions but his card play and defense is immaculate. Those who have played against him will know about his excellent table presence. For the second time I played in his team this year at Lotus Club, Ernakulam. We had horrible run at TO4 and Pairs. I partnered Prajwal in Pairs. BAM turned out well, which our team won with 92 while the second score was meager 76.

The only highlight of TO4 event was a deal that Remun played. LHO opened 1D, P doubled, RHO bid 1H and Remun holding ATxx Jx Jx ATxxx jumped to 4S to hear 3 passes.

LHO led QH and dummy tabled,


Remun is not the man of strip squeeze or crocodile coup.. but he is an expert in "co-operative coup", a term coined by himself to refer to impossible contracts that he makes with some help from defender; here it was in the form of the lead.

Seemingly hopeless contract of 4S was played with high confidence by Remun. The QH lead was won with the A in dummy and a low S was let run. LHO who won the trick, returned another H. The J in hand won the trick and R played A and low S, to notice Q and J of S crash. LHO returned a club. R won in dummy with the K and played AH discarding C from dummy. RHO was forced to ruff with the K, who returned a D. After finessing the Q, R discarded all the club losers on H and claimed the contract.

Bravo! Always nice to make impossible contracts in miserable trump fit.

1 comment:

JP said...

Yes. I have played against Remun and his card play always struck me as being exceptional. At the end of each game, he would come up with some ingenious plays to either make or set contracts, and I learned a lot from him.