Saturday, August 15, 2009

Slam Bidding

Years pass by with us still trying to get the hang of slam bidding. Each person has his own idea/ style of bidding, which doesn't make any sense to the partner at the other end.

I was playing on bbo today when I came across an interesting deal. As dealer, P opened 2C (strong). The bidding went as below:

2C-2D-2H-2S-3H-4C-4D... Let me stop here for a moment and review the auction.

2C is strong; 2D is GF waiting bid; 2H is puppet to 2S; 3H is showing 6 H.

Question 1: What is 4C here?

I think it has to be cue. Assuming 4C is cue, 4D should be cue by p. I held xx xx KJTxxx Kxx. I felt the need to show p that I had nice D values which could be useful to make a slam. Hence, I made a call of 5D. His 5H bid became the contract.

I was totally shocked to see that his hand was Ax AKQxxx AQ Axx. Clearly P didn't get what I wanted to convey with my 5D bid. Otherwise, he wouldn't have missed a grand.

I was about to discuss this with Guthi to know what would have happened if I was playing with him; in the process, I realised there were some more basic misunderstandings between us.

Question 2: Would you show the D suit after 2C opening (in our system by bidding 3C )?
In my opinion is that it affects p's bidding space, hence should bid 2D unless u have a good suit of your own and would like to set it as trump. (KQT 6 carder will do)

Question 3: After 4C cue, should opener bid 4H with minimum hand for 2C opening even with controls both in S and D?
(Guthi, could you explain your point on this?)

Question 4: Could someone throw light on voidwood? Is 5D in the sequence I gave played as voidwood?
My understanding is voidwood is a jump bid after trump has been set. In the above case, 5D bid after 3H would be voidwood.


Ashok said...

A repeat of the diamond cue would be reasonably construed as AK; it is therefore wrong here. A jump to 5D can be played as voidwood; to have 5D after a 4D as voidwood is not percentage, I think.

The bidding of both players is deficient here. The first cue from responder should be 4C. Not to bid it is shockingly ignorant (I am serious); you cannot construct a meaning for the 4D bid ("great suit") because it is helpful in this hand. 4D here means you're lacking even second-round control in C.

I think opener can reasonably bid RKB or 4D after the 4C cue, inferring one AK control with partner so far (CK). 4N would get you to 6H; 4D would probably beget a 5D, on the way to 7H.

Vinoth said...

I think you got the questions wrong Ashok (or may be your answers are not clear to me). Yes, 4C and 4D are cues! There was no repeat of D cue, 4D was by opener and 5D was by responder. (is that what you are referring to?)

To make your answers more clear, could you answer questions 2,3 and 4 separately.

Just to add one more point. In the sequence 2C-2D-2H-2S-3H-4C-4D-5D, the 5D bid may not be showing AK D.. with both C control and D AK, rkc would get you where u want. My idea was, if p's 4D cue was from singleton D, then my D values are useless; on the other hand, if it was from AD, then he will be happy to know about the source of tricks in D.

GRS86 said...

Q1) It is important to know if 4!C is serious slam try or just frivolous. And the answer depends on what is direct 3H (2C-2D-3H) as opposed to going via Kokish-2H. Raising P's !D cue is just repeating the cue, or source of tricks. Here too, P's !D cue is not clear if its a singleton or Ace. SP a long time back told me that to avoid such confusions, partnerships have accurate cue bidding styles where its known its an ace or a single ton.

Q2) Who needs to show the !D suit? opener or responder?

Q3) Imo, Opener need not always continue cue bidding. with a minimum hand (for his 2C) he can return to 4H, with good values P can make one more push anyways.

Q4) 5D after 4D - denies second round control in C and 1st round control in S and shows !D values.

Ashok said...

You're right, Vinoth. I mistook the bidding. I agree with most of your points (including 5D), except that I think opener is probably strong enough to make a slam try opposite a minimum 2D hand.

Prashanth said...

In my opinion, everything is fine upto the 4D cue. Assuming the 4D cue is for the D ace (regardless of cue bidding style, strong hand is expected to cue aces/kings and not singletons/voids), I think it is clear cut for you to take control of the hand and bid 4NT. The response will be 5S - 2 or 5 keycards with Q... you need to know nothing more to bid the grand.

The 5D bid is kind of fine, informing Guthi that you have DK to go with your CK. Now he is down to one loser opposite a doubleton or longer heart, and two losers opposite a singleton or void heart. So he is under unnecessary pressure to take the right decision. You could have made it much easier on everyone.