Friday, April 03, 2009

The Mysore 5C

I picked up this awesome 1=0=4=8 hand Mysore BAM event. SP was dealer and started with a pass.


White on red, I overcalled 2C after partner passed and RHO opened 1S. What is your choice of overcall?

The bidding went
P - 1S - 2C - 2H
P - 4S - 5C - P -
P - X -end

The lead is Spade King and dummy tables :



RHO overtook the Spade King lead with his Ace and pushed another spade. I ruffed and played club King. LHO showed out, discarding a low heart (showing interest). RHO takes the trick with Ace of clubs and bangs Heart Ace on the table. I ruff it and start running trumps. None of the opponent discarded a diamond.
And reaching this position with 5 cards in every hand.



The last trump in hand being a winner. Notice that I can take the diamond finesse either way. On the bidding and play so far, its more likely that LHO has longer diamonds , and with that the Jack. On the play of my last trump, my LHO hesitantly discarded a small diamond. Clearly LHO can't let go the king of heart! 5C doubled made. No extra points for the squeeze. :|
I excitedly opened the scoresheet, only to find that the result was duplicated at the other table too! Later when I enquired how the play went, I was shocked.
Play was the same till Ace of heart was led. then after drawing trumps in 2 more rounds he played low diamond to the ten!

Bidding is another point of interest in this deal. Bidding at the other table was 1S - (5C) - X end

Though this hand dosen't offer much in defence, I judged that I had too much to preempt. One of the black suit aces and king of diamonds is all I need from P to make 12 tricks in clubs. ( need to guess the Jack of diamond again) On the other hand, opponents might have a 5 level game which they may not find if the overcall is 5C, clouding their bidding space.



Anonymous said...

Dear Guthi,

I am feeling the end position should be like
S - X
H - Q
D - K X
C --

S --
H --
D - A Q 9 X
C --
Now it is simultenoius Doule Squeeze. No one is able to guard 4 card diamonds or he may be RHO who can be finessed with Dx to D9.

GRS86 said...

Hey! Is this Pravin? Nice to see you here :)
I think you cracked the puzzle better.