Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another Lead problem?

This deal came up in the finals of Board-a-Match in South zone. Like in most deals, all sorts of random things happened on this deal. Read on to find out.

I picked up


Yes, a 5-2-06 in a hand dealt deal. Its green upon red and RHO as dealer opens 1H.
What do you call. (You are playing open ranged michels )

The bidding went like this
1H - 2H - 3D - P
3H - P - 4H - End

Q1) What do you lead.
Ashok, please dont feed this into GIB and tell me what it is. It may never agree with the winning led I found on the table. ;)

I lead a low spade. hoping to set the contract if partner has Ax of Heart and figures to give me a diamond ruff. Read on what happened.

Dummy comes down


The declarer was confused and put up the king which held. SP signaled with spade 2. (so I know the spades are 5332) Ran a low heat to his Ace. Trick three he played a low D from hand, I ruffed, cashed Ace of spade and returned a spade for SP to ruff, he ruffed with his Queen of hearts. Trick 6 disaster strikes. He returned another D for me to ruff. Like I will have more trumps. Of course the fault is with me, as I should have cashed club Ace before giving him a spade ruff. (even though I played my lowest spade for him to ruff, asking for a club shift )
It has happened in many instances before, if it is the setting trick, its better to cash it, especially if there is danger of a long suit being set up.

I don't remember all the 4 hands, but I remember the result at the other table was 5C-Doubled is only 1 down. and 4H actually makes on correct play. Declarer expected a 3-1 heart break, and was catering to Qxx with SP, thanks to my michels bid announcing a 5-5. We had a 10 card club fit.

Q2) Do you think this hand is work a michels bid if partner is a passed hand. Answer for all the vulnarablitlies. I think there is no reason to bid so high if you are vul and partner is a passed hand. simple 1S overcall will suffice. what say? The downside is, you may not find a sacrifice, like in this case (though we did not anyways)

There is another interseting hand of this kind which came up in Beijing, earned us a top in the pairs event. will post about it next.



Prajwal said...

I would also lead a small spade. It will help if partner has Q x and same dummy. Declarer might be confused and put up Jack.
Then u will get 3 Spades, 1 Diamond and 1 Club for 2 down.
If partner has 3 carder Spade, he might shift to a Diamond and again 1 down.

Prashanth said...

I remember this hand... you asked why I didn't bid clubs even though I ought to be sure about the club fit. I was worried if it would be a phantom sacrifice. And as for the diamond return, it wasn't 100% clear to me that they were in a 9 card fit, I thought if you had club ace you would have cashed it yourself so this defense could only be asking for another ruff.

Anyway, we probably should shift to the mini-maxi Michaels and lay out some points/distri guidelines...

JP said...

I think I would lead the spade ace on this. There is a good chance partner has just 1 or 2 spades as he did not compete. The defense can proceed pretty much the same way as it did with the low spade lead on the actual layout - spade ace, low spade won in dummy with king. SP wins heart A, gives you a D ruff, you cash club ace and give SP a spade ruff for down 2. At least, I wouldn't lose to the singleton K or even singleton Q with declarer with partner inserting the T with KTx seeing the J in dummy.