Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Bidding doubts and Problems

Problem 1:

You hold


I hope all will agree that this hand is worth opening in any seat, any vul.
As dealer you open 1H and partner responds 2D. What is your rebid?
Playing SAYC, there is no option but to repeat your major. Playing 2/1, we have to bid
2S. ( -a- Isn't that compulsory? What do we do one small club is replaced by a small Heart)

-b- What if the the responders bid had been 2C? Should we bid our weak spade suit instead of showing support?

Problem 2:

You hold


In first seat partner opens the auction with 1H.

-c- What is your bid? What do you plan to rebid over 2H,2S, 2NT, 3C and3D. [You are playing 2/1. ]


-a- It is compulsory to bid 2S and clarify the distribution. We all know that.
With a 6-4: I remember reading in A.R columns, he suggested that we bid the cheapest of the two bids. By that, its 2H here. It does not promise a 6 carder, right?

-b- It is still better to show the spade suit and clarify the distribution I think, I need some guidance here.

-c- Over rebids of 2H, 2S and 2NT, the call will be 3C.
Over a rebid of 3D, 4C ( showing 5-5 ?) If the majors were 1-2 instead of 2-1, is 3S a cue agreeing on Diamonds?
Over a rebid of 3C, 4C again?

Waiting from gyaan from the pundits of bidding.


1 comment:

Prashanth said...

My 2 cents:

a: In the version we are playing, it does not promise 6 carder, as you could have a club suit and no extras.

b: Yes, no change in your bid.

c: Over 3D, I would presume one should start cuebidding. So cuebid the singleton major.
Over 3C, yes, bid 4C and let him start cuebidding.