Monday, March 26, 2007

Nineteen-point Grand Slam

If you’re thinking “some bad bidding!”, I agree with you. If you ask me why 5 ♦, I’d have to admit (with much shame) that holding such a monster, I wanted to play the hand and blissfully ignored the club option. If you’re baffled why West did not bid after South’s double, you’re not alone. If you’re baffled why North passed twice holding five clubs and no diamonds, you’re not alone. So let’s leave the actual bidding aside.

What would be a reasonable bidding sequence? Obviously, North–South reach 7 ♣.

(Completely irrelevant fact: the odds that you will pick up a 9–4–0–0 hand pattern randomly are 1 in more than 103 500.)

1 comment:

Prashanth said...

LoL! That's a rather weird convention, to be asking questions about a suit you haven't bid yet or agreed upon, and starting at the 5 level in doing so! No wonder he forgot!