Kachchu held Ax; T9xxx; xx; KJxx opposite a NT opening by partner. A transfer and 2NT invite landed the pair in 3NT as partner accepted the invite. Result was 3NT-1. Partner's hand was J9x; KQx; AKQx; Qxx. On a S lead, there are 3 spades, a H and a C loser. While, 4H has a good chance even on S lead. Either J H on side or D 4-3, contract is home. KRV with a smile commented "Kachchu! If only you had shown your unbalanced hand with 4 card club, you would have been in the right spot". Though he did not suggest any system for that. It's not difficult to frame one.
This is what I suggest: After a transfer and 2NT invite, when NT bidder has maximum, he can use 3C enquiry for finding the right spot.
1NT - 2D
2H - 2NT
3C - ? 3D - one 4 card minor suit
- 3H is relay over which 3S is 4 card C, 3NT is 4 card D
3H - 3=5=3=2
3S - 3=5=2=3
3NT - 2=5=3=3
This system also helps when the NT opener has a 5 card minor, 5 of a minor might be the right spot while 3NT has a suit open.