Q1) What will you bid in Prajwal's (akjq) seat?
Q2) Anyone wants bid 5H over West's 5C?
I paused a little long at that moment, then passed. East bid 6 in a flash. I took a little time and decided to sacrifice in 6H.
I lets analyze the various cases that were flashing in my mind that time.
5H is a winning bid
- if we push opponents into a hopeless slam, but this is counting too much on opponents, but we will study this option.
- (look at the vul) when 5C makes and 5H is <3>=3 imp save, rite?)
- if we push opponents into slam which otherwise opponents may bid (and make it).
- if 5C dosen't have a play.
- if 5H is down more than 3.
I (rightly?) jugeded that my hand falls into the 3rd category.
Too bad the jerk bid 6 anyways. Passed around to me, time to think again.
This time however, there are not that many possibilities. I quickly bid 6H.
The defence took their tricks. two black aces and a diamond ruff.
Just a 500 as opposed to their 6c which would have given them 1370.
My best save ever! Yippee. ;-)
Wait, there is one more interesting sutiation,
Q3) What will you call in my position with that holding? 4-7-1-1 ? Do you preempt?
It is not clear to me when and how junta realise that they might be pushing opponents into a game and so refrain from preempting. Most of these are in situations where one has to raise a preempt. Can someone please post about it?
Khuda Hafiz