The famous T.Nagar club in Chennai has experimented with computer generated deals, This is a good boon for us as it we can come back and discuss the deals and in depth analysis can be done. Also, there are good number of slams. Here is one which we bid.
You hold
♠ A 9 6 5
♥ A
♦ A 9 7 5 3 2
♣ Q 9
Your LHO deals and starts the auction with Pass. Partner bids 1C (SAYC) and RHO passes. What is your call ? With 6 Diamonds you obviously bid 1D, partner bids 1H. The auction is uncontested. Now how often do you get to bid 1S on your second bid ? So, you just bid it. Siddarth was my partner and since he dosen't play the 4th suit force convention, But we agreed on new suit by responder is forcing! That was enough. Partner bids 2D.
Just to go over it - 1C- 1D; 1H - 1S; 2D - ?
What is your call now ? Clearly game is a huge favorite. If you are looking for slam there is no point asking for Aces unless you are looking at Grand Slam, which is unlikely as partner has 12-14 points and You don't hold many either, just 14. Just 27 between you. If partner holds Qx in spades, QJxx in hearts,D: Qxx, C: AKxx, not a good hand. You might lose one diamond and a spade. Say Partner Q Diamond instead of Q Spade then 6D has a great chance. How do you bid it ? I held this hand and I just bid 6D which ended the auction.
Lead was Spade King and Dummy came down:
♠ J 3
♥ 10 8 7 3
♦ K Q 6
♣ A K J 7
The only danger is a bad diamond split, and since there is no scope for any kind of over trick, might as well think of safety play. If LHO has all the missing diamonds there is nothing you can do about it, so play low to King is the right play. So, winning the Lead in hand, I led a low Diamond to King, seeing both opponents follow suit, I claimed 12 tricks. A rare perfect claim by me :D Surprisingly, Only two
Here is the entire hand:
| ♠ J 3 ♥ 10 8 7 3 ♦ K Q 6 ♣ A K J 7 |
♠ K Q ♥ K 9 4 ♦ 10 8 4 ♣ 8 6 5 4 3 |
| ♠ 10 8 7 4 2 ♥ Q J 6 5 2 ♦ J ♣ 10 2 |
| ♠ A 9 6 5 ♥ A ♦ A 9 7 5 3 2 ♣ Q 9 |
A few boards after that another interesting deal came up:
I held:
♠ K 4
♥ J
♦ K 10 5 3
♣ A K 10 9 4 2Your LHO deals and starts with a pass, partner bids 1H, RHO passes too. I bid a routine looking 2C. The opponents did not interfere and partner bid 2D. Now the hand looked very good to me. 1H and then 2D shows a 5-4 or better like 5-5. It could be a 6-4 too, 2D being the cheaper rebid, is a better option unless the suit quality is really bad (isn't it the popular agreement?) Anyways, I got excited and envisioned a Diamond Slam. Lacking controls, I thought I will bid 4NT, asking for Aces, yes we played simple Blackwood. If he responds with 1 Ace i.e 5D, I would pass it, on a 5H or 5S response I was planning to bid 6D. Sounds fine right ?
The bidding went: 1H - 2C; 2D-4NT; 5H - 6D.
Lead was
♥10. Here is the entire deal with Declarer as South.
| ♠ K 4 ♥ J ♦ K 10 5 3 ♣ A K 10 9 4 2 |
♠ A J 10 8 2 ♥ 10 3 ♦ 9 7 4 ♣ 6 5 3 |
| ♠ Q 7 6 3 ♥ K Q 8 5 2 ♦ 8 6 2 ♣ J |
♠ Q 7 6 3 ♥ K Q 8 5 2 ♦ 8 6 2 ♣ J | ♠ 9 5 ♥ A 9 7 6 4 ♦ A Q J ♣ Q 8 7 |
Alas! The declarer had only a three carder diamond. How do you plan your play ? Siddarth started out rightly by praying for a 3-3 diamond split, but stopped at that ! He forgot about the spades ! He should have prayed for spade Ace to be with his LHO, and play three rounds of trumps, and play a low spade to dummy. Now only a 4-0 club break can be trouble some which also doesn't happen to be the case.
Forget what happened. 2D is not the right rebid, what is it then ? 2H right ? 2NT is too shaky with just two rags in spades. But the suit quality is also not good. 3C is another option, not a great one either. As you can see, 6C is a safer contract which two pairs have bid. I have no clue how. Can somebody tell me how ?